35 Reviews, Averaging 4.97 Stars!

In many instances we can be at your home in less than 24 hours.
We will get you scheduled as soon as possible. We understand how critical it is for you to have your garage door functioning.
We look forward to either repairing, replacing or maintaining your garage doors.
90% of the time you will talk directly with Justin Davis.
Justin is the owner and operator of the company and will be able to answer any questions you may have.
He is polite and courteous over the phone.
We are local...
And we have over 13 years of trained experience and have worked on 1,000s of garage doors throughout the years.
We have 1,000s of customers that we have helped.
Here are just some of the services we offer: spring repair, door installations, motor repair, door replacements, roller repair, adjustments, panel replacements, opener issues, remote issues and more.
We know that you are looking for a trustworthy company to help you. One way we show this is by sharing before and after pictures along with job details on our website.
We recently had a customer from Palmetto call un in regards to having their garage door looked at.
We came out, had a look at their door, and got them a new one all within the early stretch of the weekend.
Sometimes garage door repair just won’t do. This customer wanted new doors, and we were able to make sure he got the best insulated doors and a new opener to go with them!
This customer’s door was stuck and she couldn’t even get her car out of the garage! We were able to identify her torsion spring and bearing problem right away and get them replaced so that her door works well.
Like most every repair and maintenance company, we do not have a set price for our services.
Our prices change depending on the type of doors and what they may be made of.
We will make sure that you get the best from us and we will make sure that your garage door is completely functioning again.